Natural, Pure and Unadulterated Food Products


Committed to organic principles

We provide high-quality organic products

Firmly rooted in the founding ethics of the company in 1976, right through to its place at the heart of Valley Foods today, is a deep commitment to and support for organic principles.

 In recent years the organic market has grown alongside increasing consumer demand for organic produce. This has enabled us to stock an ever-growing number of organic lines, supporting farmers and producers in Ireland and abroad.

Many developing countries do not have the same regulations on pesticides and farming methods as we have in the EU. In supporting organic farming methods in these areas, we guarantee that we are doing our best to enable producers to adopt farming methods that support safer working conditions and reduce the impact that unregulated farming methods can have on health and the local environment.

 Any products listed as ‘organic’ will have been certified by a body recognised by the EU.

 Valley Foods can guarantee that the products meet with the highest standards of integrity across all sectors of the organic market.

Fresh, seasonal, organic veg

Eat clean.
Eat organic.

We believe that the use of unnecessary pesticides and fertilisers in food production is not only adding harmful toxins and chemicals to our food but also to the environment.

Sustainable Agriculture

Why Organic & Sustainable?

The best and most sustainable farms and food systems are the ones that focus on the right blend of economic and environmental sustainability – these are the food systems that will nurture the unborn generations from whom we are borrowing these resources.

Valley Foods support projects that work with nature, balancing issues of land use, people’s welfare and wildlife conservation.